Balloon Price —A price charged for Priority Mail (zones 1–4) and Standard Post items that weigh less than 20 pounds and measure between 84 and 108 inches in combined length and girth.
Barcode —A series of vertical bars and spaces that represent any numerical series, most often a correct ZIP Code for the delivery address on a mailpiece. The barcode facilitates automated processing by barcode readers and scanners. A barcode also can be used to convey information for USPS Tracking and Signature Confirmation services. Barcodes that may be used for postal processing are POSTNET, Intelligent Mail, and GS1-128. Also see delivery point barcode (DPBC) and Postal Numeric Encoding Technique (POSTNET).
Barcode Clear Zone —A rectangular area in the lower right part of a letter-size mailpiece that must be kept free of printing and symbols, except for the barcode itself. This requirement allows automated processing machines to read or apply a barcode.
Barcode Read Area —A small area within the barcode clear zone in which the barcode must be printed. This area is defined by the position of the leftmost bar of the barcode and the bottom edge of the bar.
Barcode Reader —A component in certain mail processing equipment that reads and interprets the barcode applied to a mailpiece.
Barcoded Container Label —A tray or sack label that has a barcode that can be read and processed by an automated tray or sack handling system.
Barcoded Discount —A postage discount available for certain Package Services machinable parcels and Bound Printed Matter flats that bear a correct barcode and meet other size, shape, and volume requirements.
Bound Printed Matter (BPM) —A subclass of Package Services that consists of permanently bound sheets of which at least 90% are printed with advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial matter (or a combination of such matter).
Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) —A service by which high-volume mailers may have undeliverable-as-addressed Standard Mail machinable parcels returned to the mailer.
Bundle —A group of addressed pieces assembled and secured together to make up a basic unit of bulk mail for processing purposes.
Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) —The area of a postal facility where mailers present bulk, presorted, and permit imprint mail for acceptance. The BMEU includes dedicated platform space, office space, and a staging area on the workroom floor.
Business Reply Mail (BRM) —A service that allows a permit holder to receive First-Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers and pay postage only for the returned pieces. These pieces must have a specific address and format. Postage and per piece charges are collected when the mail is delivered back to the permit holder.